Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's okay to unplug

Let's face it, social media today is what crack was in the 80s. Yes, it's that toxic and addictive. There are a million ways to stay "connected" to family, friends and even strangers. It's weird when you actually think about it... 9/10 your Instagram is composed majorly of people you don't know. And to think you're exposing pictures, and locations to people you've never met, it's quite creepy.

When things get hectic and the sounds of the world are too loud, shut it off. It's okay to disconnect and regroup, in fact I recommend it for your own sanity. You spend the entire day scrolling, liking, commenting and taking screenshots...too much of anything is bad for you. Give your eyes and fingers a break and do something different like read a book, take a walk in the park or have a face-to-face conversation with a friend (crazy to think it's so rare these days that we utilize direct conversation). Social media separates and misinterprets conversations, take it old school and cut the middle man.

The world today is based around technology and the latest gadgets. People go to concerts and clubs jut to Instagram their location. Thereby bringing about the question: Are we living in the moment or just capturing it? I'll let you decide for yourself. As helpful and forward thinking modern technology as come, it hurts us because we become dependent on it and lazy. When was the last time you wrote a letter? Not a typed letter on the computer equipped with spellcheck, a handwritten letter with all it's flaws and glory? And dare I not ask about stamps and envelops lol, sad that future generations won't know the joy receiving a letter in the mail from a pen pal or loved one. If we don't use it, we lose it... simple. I challenge you to take a break, and appreciate life disconnected.

Don't worry it will all be there during and after your hiatus; Chances are you won't miss anything of importance anyway. Unplugging is about centering your energy so that you can have a more balanced life. And if you're wondering, yes I practice what I preach. Every so often I disconnect for a weeks time to gather my thoughts and focus on myself. It's therapeutic and similar to meditation in regards to thinking clearly. Give it a shot, don't think you can do a full week, try 1 or 2 days first. You're essentially weening yourself off of your addiction, it takes time.

*** #Iwannaknow
What is your favorite form of social media, and why?

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