Monday, April 21, 2014

Play Strategically With The Hand You Were Dealt

In many cases, the life you are given isn't exactly under the best of circumstances. Whatever your situation is, understand that it's not in vain; And most importantly, know that your current surroundings don't dictate your future. It's all about your approach at life.

I believe that your life is defined by what you believe in- Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopez

If you want more out of life you have to chase it with full force. Don't just go after it then stop, if you get tired walk until you can pick up the pace again. This pertains to anything in life: careers, relationships, goals. There should be nothing  that can stop you from going after what you desire. You have to establish that mentality as soon as you decide the importance of what you are after.

 Just because you were born without, doesn't mean you have to leave the same way. Anything in this life is attainable if you put the adequate amount of attention towards it. A seed will bloom into a flower with the right amount of sunlight and water, and so will your life's purpose. Believe in yourself enough to give something your all; That way, even if you fall short, it isn't a failure it's a lesson.

Nothing in this life will be given to you, don't expect any handouts. Prepare to face countless obstacles and setbacks before you reach one milestone. Appreciate the journey, it's there to build character and level you up with whatever goal you're headed towards. Be patient, your time will come, and when it does... revel in it.

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