Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Peer Pressure Doesn't End In High School

As kids we're told not to succumb to peer pressure, but what do you when it happens in adulthood? Thanks to our trusty near and dear friend social media, peer pressure doesn't end in high school; you don't even have to be around the person to feel the pressure of not feeling good enough, envy, and negative self evaluation.

I've fallen victim of looking at people I went to high school with and comparing my life to theirs. Some are doing really bad, some have kids, and some are doing exceptionally well. And for the ones doing exceptionally well, it's hard not to have a tiny bit of envy, especially when you're not where you know you have the potential to be yet.

It's natural to want more for yourself, hell it's natural to compare yourself to others... we're basically programmed to do so as adolescents. But it's not good to feel bad about your circumstances because of others. Never feel pressure to do or be anything that goes against what you believe in. Move at your own pace, don't let someone tell you what you should be doing.

Don't give into peer pressure, it's stressful and helps you in no way. Every one's stories are different, as are their journeys; which is why we all have to follow our own paths to acquire the things that we desire. But if you take nothing from this post, know that nothing comes without a sacrifice. You can't expect to get everything you want out of life without giving something in return.

Live your life to the best of your abilities and give it all you've got. That car, house, family, vacation will all come in it's perfect timing; don't force it or rush it... it will all fall into place. Just live and be happy, there's already too many people that aren't, there's no room for you to join them, sorry lol. Have a great day Ryders love you all !

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