Monday, April 28, 2014

Learn The Ability to Follow-Through

How many projects, experiments, jobs or diets have you quit prematurely in the last year? What made you give up? Was it the lack of quick results, or the drive to do it? Whatever the case may be, you didn't follow through, and in life it's essential to your success that you make following-through a priority.

I had to ask myself the same questions last year, and I have to say I wasn't happy with the answer. Last year (as some of you may know) I gained and quit 3 jobs consecutively. After the last one, I had to step back and evaluate my life, although I didn't regret quitting any of the jobs, I did miss the revenue. There's nothing like having your own money... nothing ! Any who, all my life I've held a certain pride for finishing almost everything that I start, be it school or personal goals. It wasn't until I had a real heart-to-heart with myself, then my Mom, that I realized why I wasn't following-through.

You see, the key to finishing anything in life is having a love for it. If there is no love at the starting point, the finish line with never be acquirable. The love is what reminds you why you started when you want to give up. When there is no love, there is no hope. I couldn't follow-through in any of those jobs because I didn't love it, and once I found something I did (working with Allen and writing) it all made sense.

Whatever you want out of this life make sure it's initiated with love. If you want to lose weight, start by loving the stage you're at now. If you want a job doing something you love, start doing it now for free. If you want to go to school, major in something you love, that way it will be rewarding and exciting. And if you want a relationship, start with yourself, love on you and appreciate yourself first, no one can love you like you can.

Make today the day that you decide to stop starting and stopping mid-way; Stop taking shortcuts and focus on one full route... your route. Dedicate the time, nurture it, protect it, and eventually your love will allow that job, project, class, or yourself to flourish.

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