Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Stop Self Sabotaging

How many times have you talked down to yourself this week alone? How often do you berate and belittle yourself? If the number is above 0, you've got major work to do. One thing every human being has in common with the next is the ability to be ones worst critic. It's second nature to look at yourself, see the things you don't like, and compare yourself to others; But in life you have to learn to love the things you cannot change, and work towards changing the things you can.

Self sabotaging comes in a plethora of forms:
 1. Relationships- things are going good and it feels weird so you just have to take it upon yourself to "shake things up"; It's not healthy or enriching to your life, if things are good embrace it, you deserve to experience real love.
2. Jobs- You're afraid to apply to certain jobs because you don't feel you are qualified or worthy. Apply ! You don't know what God has in store for you, your future could be right in front of you.
3. Attitude- You are constantly complaining and finding the negative in every situation and wonder why people don't want to be around you. Stop putting negative energy into the universe and see how fast your surroundings change for the better. Your attitude determines so much in your life, a negative attitude will block opportunities.
4. Opportunities- That beach trip you recently turned down could have been the best time of your life, but you're self conscience about your weight. Stop setting limitations, it will only stifle your growth and bind your happiness. And if God wanted the world to be without character he would have made us all a size 2.
5. Dreams- You don't think you're "good enough" to pursue your dreams. You think there is someone more talented, better looking, and well spoken that better fits the bill. You are more than good enough, and your talent speaks for itself. Stop letting fear hold you back and go after what you believe in; you've got a story to tell and no one can tell your success story but you.
 What is it that is holding you back? Channel that particular thing and make peace with it. The only way that you get over your fears is by addressing them directly. Not peaking in on them, asking others to check up on them, but actually looking each fear in the face. You have the talent, you just have to believe in it. Trust your instincts and they will return the favor.

Today is the day that you let go of all the things that have stopped you from being great. Don't waste another minute feeling sorry for yourself and your circumstances, do something about it ! Self conscience about your weight? eat healthier and exercise. Want a better job, go after what you know you deserve. Want a drama free relationship? Stop picking the wrong people, or in contrast, stop sabotaging good things. We are not able to change all flaws, but the ones we can should be altered in the most delicate of manners. Have a great day guys !

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