Wednesday, January 22, 2014

You are what you believe

So what are you? Do you speak negatively about yourself? Are you your worst critic? or Are you optimistic and realize that what you are now and have been doesn't dictate your future? I'd hope you all are optimists, but the reality is, almost everyone is their worst critic, and it takes time to see things from an optimists perspective.

The truth is, it's okay to have bad days, but if your bad days outweigh the good... it's time to do some reevaluating. When you decide that you are amazing and worthy of all things great in this world, that is the day everything will change in your life. You can't think negative and expect a positive outcome.

Holding yourself back will only make you regret it in the long run. Go for whatever it is you want out of this life, you only get one. Make the best out of your experiences and live in a way that regret doesn't exist. Do everything you've ever wanted to, attain that dream, it's yours for the taking.

Believe in you and everyone else will. Whatever you have to offer the world shouldn't be retained because of fear, doubt and negativity. Give the world a chance to see what God did when he gave you your gift, don't let it go to waste. No need to wait or make any more excuses, the day is still young... let's see what you can do to jump start your future.

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