Thursday, January 9, 2014

Setbacks are Setups for what's to come

It's so easy to become discouraged and depressed and give up, but what good will that do? Nothing. We've all fallen victim to this circumstance on more than one occasion. Why? Because as humans, when we go after something we want, we expect to acquire it; But not being able to is the biggest rejection, and no one is a fan of that.

Setbacks can come in all forms: school, jobs, relationships. Maybe your new years resolution to enroll/return to school this semester fell through. And a job you knew was yours didn't quite happen. Or the person you'd envisioned a future with let you down. Don't let that deter you. What's meant to be will be, no matter what.

I experienced a job related setback last week. It was a film editing job, one I felt confident I had in the bag due to editing experience in college. I go to the interview and every answer I give she's telling me "great answer" and giving me approving nods. I leave with a slight adrenaline rush in anticipation of receiving that callback the following day, with her offering me the job. Unfortunately I didn't get the job, and was devastated. It took me a few days to rid myself of negative thoughts and redirect my energy, then I decided to change my perspective on the ordeal. No, I didn't get the job I felt was perfect for me, but soon I will. I know my worth and capabilities, and that job lost out on me for not recognizing what I could have brought to their company. So now it's back to the drawing board as my search continues, but I am not discouraged. My ideal job that best suites me is on it's way, that I am sure of.

As I said in a recent post, Listen to your failures. It can be one of the hardest things to do when all you want to do is sulk and be upset, but it's definitely an awakening. There is always something to be learned from every failure and mistake. It is only stifling to your growth if you continue to do the same things in hopes of a different outcome. But when you realize that something didn't happen because it wasn't meant to be, and believe that something better will come along, you will receive your blessing in God's perfect timing. Don't give up my loves, the best is yet to come !
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