Thursday, January 30, 2014

Life is a Maze...

If you hit a dead end, turn around and try again

I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know
everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold

We are all in this maze called life. Anxious for fulfillment. Stumbling along the way, reaching dead ends, and setbacks. All to reach the light at the end of the tunnel... happiness. Not that fake 'it looks good on the outside' happiness, genuine happiness in it's purest state.

Contrary to popular belief it is attainable. With time, all things are attainable if you believe. Happiness is often equated to money, or things of monetary value, but true happiness doesn't have anything to do with that. Happiness is a state of mind, not a sum of money. If you have a great family, a few good friends, and a significant other, you are richer than you think.

This journey through life can be a tough road. No one can predict the future, yet the future holds what we all desire. The endless possibilities, opportunities, and new beginnings. These obstacles we face in life often shape us into who we are.

Your dream is yours. People may have similar dreams, but no one can take away what you are passionate about. Often we let fear determine our future. Don't fuel that fear, ride this journey out until you see that light; this maze is intended to be completed, and you don't want to miss that rush of adrenaline when you've come face-to-face with your destiny !

***Note to Ryders: I just want to apologize for my impromptu hiatus. Although it was small, I felt I owed it to y'all to explain. So if you don't live in Atlanta or don't watch the news, the past two days have been a "snowpocalyptic" disaster ! Long story short, failed preparation by the mayor and governor for a snow storm turned horrible and family and friends of mine were stuck on highways overnight and there was no way I could help, which inevitably stressed me out. Everyone is safe now, but I appreciate your viewership, patience and loyalty... I'm B-A-C-K ! lol

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