Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Affirmations come in all forms... pay attention

Have you guys ever used that app thingy-majig on Facebook? Don't act like you don't still get on Facebook either, some of y'all creep through every now and then lol. Any who, this app is amazing and is always spot on when I need it, which is almost daily.

It's the perfect go-to when I'm feeling down, unsure, out of inspiration, or happy... pretty much every emotion. I use it as a means to recharge and often times it's affirmation. 

Yesterday, my mom randomly told me that God told her he has something big for me, and to hold on and be patient. On second thought, it wasn't random, it was in God's perfect timing because he knows me; and she said she knew it was from God because we hadn't been talking about anything related to it, and she immediately got chills. It couldn't have come at a better time, especially with the way I've been feeling lately.

I am extremely blessed, that I know. I am grateful to have a job, even though it's something I never envisioned for myself. If you aren't aware of what I do, refer here. Although I have grown to love Allen over these past few months, I can't help but feel like I'm wasting away... more so because this isn't how I expected my life to be post graduation. You plan and visualize what the next step of your life will be and when it doesn't pan out, it's devastating and one of life's many reality checks.

My blog has been doing amazing, that in itself is affirmation; Furthermore, this week alone has been record breaking in regards to viewership as you can see above; I'm so appreciative of all the support Ive received thus far; and while I love writing and all of the positive responses, the truth of the matter is, it's not bringing in any revenue. I don't want to stop blogging, but I do want to be compensated, or find a job that allows me to do what I love. It's just hard to stay optimistic after applying to over 30 applications a week. Applying for jobs is my part time job before I go to my actual part time job.

I guess my biggest obstacle at this post is figuring out how to get where I want to be. I'm finally doing what I love, but I need the entire fulfillment of it. And because I don't have the answers, I choose to believe and receive the prophesy from my mom; Throughout my confusing I will remember to remember God, like the message from God said, and stand secure knowing he won't lead me astray. Something big is in store for me, and I can't wait to see what it is.                                                                                        

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