Monday, January 27, 2014

Don't be Pushed by your Problems, Be Driven by your Dreams !

You is kind.
You is smart.
You is important.
- Viola Davis in The Help

Yes you ! You are all of those things and more, so stop downplaying yourself. You are amazing despite all you've been through. You are a warrior on God's front line, don't ever forget it.

There's is so much potential in what you can offer the world. Your dreams will be bigger than you'd ever imagined, if you actually go for it, and give it your all. God's gift to you is your talent, you gift to him is using it, and when you use it completely, the rewards won't stop rolling in because he appreciates the sacrifice and time you endured to get there.

Fear can be the biggest setback in life, sure it's easy and safe to sit back and be "regular" but you won't be happy... or fulfilled. Don't let your dream fade away, it's yours and nobody else's. We are all here to complete a task, so if you don't have a purpose, essentially your existence is in vain.

No more excuses. No more wasted time. The time is now ! Get up and do what you need to do to make your life meaningful. You are the secret ingredient in a melting pot of greatness lol. Yeah it will be hard... there will be competition, you will sacrifice a lot, you will be tired, you will feel like giving up; But in the end, it will all be worth it. Your dream career is more attainable with each day you work towards receiving it. So get started, you've got a date with destiny and you can't be late !

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