Monday, January 20, 2014

One Monkey Don't Stop No Show !

If you will allow one person to stop you from being great, you were never destined to be- CM
There will always be someone that doesn't believe in you and will berate you in hopes that eventually you won't believe in yourself; 10/10 that person had someone kill their dream, so the natural thing to do was to transfer that negative energy by becoming a dream killer. Hurt people hurt people, it's not fair or right, but it's a given in life.

A dream is only attainable if you want it more than anything. I recently saw a quote that said:
 "You have to want your dream as much as you want to breathe"
 I found it to be both motivational and inspirational; If you want something that bad you must be willing to sacrifice and give your all. It reminded me of my idea of marriage.

I may be one of a very small percentage that still thinks marriage, the joining of two people becoming one, is sacred. I'm a hopeless romantic, and when I marry, I only want to do it once,which is why I'm so "old-fashioned" about dating. I don't wish to date many men to feel wanted, I wish to meet one man that makes me feel like God hand-picked him just for me.

People can be cruel when they are unhappy. Everyone has a history, but it's not the circumstance that molds who you are or have the potential to be, it's how you choose to deal with it. No matter what keep going for what you believe in, even if no one believe in you. In the beginning they will laugh, but in the end you'll have the last laugh when you have attained your dream.

That one monkey only has power if you feed into the negativity. Why is it that when we hear a compliment we second guess it, but when we hear something negative we believe it? Change your mindset and your surrounds will follow. Stop thinking that someone is giving you a sideways compliment, take it and appreciate it. Don't believe the negative, stop being your worst critic and go be great ! The only person stopping you is YOU, what are you waiting for?!

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