Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Squeeze the hell out of life !

Live as if your days are numbered. Scratch off that bucket list, omit fear, shatter doubt and live !

In life it can be so easy to get stuck in a routine. Doing the same thing daily in my opinion is bad for the soul. Add a dash of spontaneity and make things interesting. Live for you, and do all of the things you want to.

So what you don't have money to do everything on your bucket list, improvise. Save money for the most important things you want to experience and take it one step at a time.

Don't set limitations on your life. And don't ever allow someone to place you in a box; Not at school, work, home or anywhere. And never settle for "the norm", you were born an original for a reason. When I initially started my blog I was apprehensive because I've yet to see "lifestyle inspirational" blogs on a massive platform. But then I decide, Why not do something you love and pave the way. After all, if I'm writing relateable material, people will eventually gravitate; and it's been an amazing journey so far as I approach my second month with over 1400 page views, and still surprisingly... international support!

Don't let anyone stifle you or tell you what you can or cannot do. Do what you love and everything else will fall into place. Squeeze the hell out of life until there's no more. No one ever regretted living well, the only regrets are missed opportunities.

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