Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Don't be afraid to open the door

I know you're probably thinking: "open what door?". Although I do still believe in chivalry, that's not the kind of door opening I'm discussing lol.

I'm talking about opening the door for change... Be it good or bad, difficult or sad; your door should always be open to the possibilities of the world. There are two perspective on this theory, pay attention.

So the first, and probably most obvious perspective is opening the door for positive change. It could be an amazing job in a different state, stepping out on faith following your heart or dream, new relationships, new outlooks on life. Whatever it may be, never cheat yourself of life's wonderful surprises by blocking your blessings. Never let fear, doubt, naysayers, or even yourself hold you back in life. Keep that door open, and when I say "door" it's more so your mind... Keep your mind open to new possibilities, new discoveries, and new opportunities... you never know when change will come knocking.

Then there's negative change that can be very difficult and life altering. Don't be afraid to open the door when you aren't happy or feeling unappreciated. So you're still not on the same page with that guy you've been dating for over five months, maybe you appreciate him more than he does you, open that door and let him go. Don't ever worship someone more than yourself, if they aren't willing to hold on to you as tight as you are to then, loosen that grip and walk in the opposite direction. Same thing for work, school or anything that isn't meshing well with you. I'm not saying open the door prematurely, make sure you have a backup plan. If your job isn't working out at least try to wait until you have something else lined up; And with school, maybe it isn't for  you... you are overwhelmed, going because your parents made you, or going because you feel like it's the right thing to do. Do it because you want to,do what you love and the blessings will follow.

I've gone through similar experience in the past and present from both perspectives, and it's definitely easier said than done; But when you know your worth you have to do what's best for you. If you aren't happy and fulfilled, cut that deal weight and toss it out the door. What may mean the world to you now could easily become a distance  memory a year from now. As humans, we hold on to things and people far too long in fear that if we lose them we won't find any better, when the truth is God  always has better in store once you've eliminated all distractions and suppressants. So keep an open mind, heart and spirit, and watch your fruitful future flourish.

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