Monday, November 18, 2013

Sometimes silence is the best therapy

Does it sometimes feel like your life is in turmoil? Are you feeling off balanced? Is stress at home/school/work taking it's toll? I've got the best remedy, and what makes it even better is that it's free ! Silence, it's my secret weapon to keeping my sanity, here's how it works.

When things aren't exactly going as planned and are beyond your control, step back and let go. Don't stress or worry, just free yourself and regroup. There are several ways you can do that... Many people do a favorite hobby like: hiking or bike riding if you are an outdoorsy kind of person, retail therapy and spa days if you aren't one with nature lol, or get lost in a good book or movie. Whatever eases your mind, channel that... as long as it doesn't involve getting arrested of course lol.

Lately I've found that silence has been my best outlet; although it feels like a catch-22 because I am one with my thoughts and I can't escape or hide from whatever is bothering me, it's so helpful to get to the root of the problem without distractions. When you are in silence, similar to meditation, you are able to think clearly and more rationally. It's like having a full fledged conversation with yourself without uttering a word. My "silent time" usually comes a little after midnight, when half the world is sleeping. I think of everything: goals, relationships, work, the future, present annoyances... you name it !  And afterward I know exactly what needs to be done, what needs to be fixed, and what needs to be eliminated.

If you are looking for a free and helpful way to decompress, I'd suggest sitting in silence. I know, it's 2013 and there is technology for everything, but technology cannot provide you peace of mind. Take at least an hour a day to shut off everything and everyone and have some time to yourself. You will be so much more connected within, and can function in society more effectively. If you are still skeptical... try it for three days, if you don't feel different let me know and we'll figure out where the problem lies. Until next time...

Hope you guys don't have a case of the Mondays !

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