Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What would life be without it's disappointments and reality checks?

I know you're probably saying LOVELY! But it would be very dull and predictable. Although we don't like to experience disappointment, it is inevitable in life. These instances build character and allow us to either become stronger or fold.

There would of course be pros, less heartache, tears and stress. But you would be robotic in a since. How could you ever really appreciate the good days if you've never experienced the bad? That's what I believe disappointments and reality checks are really designed for; To knock you back into life ! Often times we are so obsessed with the latest cars, clothes and gadgets, that we place more value on it than life itself. For all you iPhone users, just think how long you've held your breath when you dropped your phone... yeah I'm guilty too ! lol

Sometimes reality checks can be more crucial than disappointments, you know... those times when you think you are in control of your life, then God throws a curve ball and you realize you aren't lol. Yeah, I have been having those quite often, and although I could be upset, I laugh every time. There's nothing like a wake up call from someone that only wants to see you be great.

But just take a second and think... no disappointments, no reality checks. You would have the same routine life, no surprises, no excitement. You would essentially be in a bubble. Most cases, disappointments alter your perspective, so without it, we would probably be child-like with a wild imagination and content in oblivion. A perfect world has no meaning if you haven't experienced depths within life; Take those disappointments and reality checks as God's way of saying: "Not now, I have something better in store for you". Trust him, he won't lead you astray.

* Here is a snippet of one of my favorite movies The Truman Show, it's about an orphan baby that grows up in a "perfect world" only to find out in adulthood that he is the star in a hidden 24 hour reality show, everything he knows is fake: his friends, parents, and neighbors are all actors. And although he was heartbroken and disappointed, that reality check made him stronger and  resilient. 
Have e a peek below !

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