Friday, November 15, 2013

5 reasons...

I hate Winter

5. I'm a Grinch. Although I love Christmas: celebrating Jesus and family, I am not the jolliest person lol. I don't get into the lights and decorating mechanics... I'll decorate a tree but that's as far as it goes lol; unlike my Mom, if she could have it her way, the entire house would be outlined with lights lol.

4. It's longer than Fall. Am I the only one that thinks Fall is always cut short by Winter's overbearing power? I hate that my favorite season doesn't last long, but neither does all great things in life.

3. Depressing. Statistics have shown that more people are depressed in the winter more than any other season. And can you blame them? Longer nights and cold windy days, no thank you. *Side-note: Did you know that if you start a sentence with "statistics" people automatically believe it, even if its bs lol.

2. I can't hibernate. I would love the winter if I could be a bear & hibernate, but since I can't I despise it tremendously. Why do bears get the luxury of hibernation and the closest thing we humans have is a coma? Lol

1. It's freezing. There is nothing appealing about blistering cold weather and endless layers of clothes lol. I'd rather take the winter off from work & stay in my pj's all day.

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