Monday, September 8, 2014

Cause & Effect 2.0

Yes EVERYTHING is 2.0 round these parts cause mind elevation is and always will be key for me. And because y'all been rockin with me for almost a year I'd assume Ryders feel the same way. :)

There's so much beauty in solutions, it makes confusion, fear and any other form of negativity obsolete. It frees you of the situation and gives you peace, and for me peace is all I need to survive.

Some people love playing the victim so much they can't realize when they're the villain. These are the same people wondering why bad things keep happening to them, ever thought you brought it on yourself? Maybe it's your energy, likeness to drama, or your entire aura... it all plays a part in every aspect of your life.

Sure bad things happen to good people too, but it's only to make them stronger, storms are designed to see how durable your faith is to whomever you believe it, without it the storm could feel like an eternity. Listen to that little voice in your ear that's always probing you to do the right thing, it's real... He's real and will never lead you astray.

Cause and effect is no different than a proposition and a reaction. You are presented something (money,love,jewelry) and the choice is solely yours whether or not you will accept it. There's power in everything you do, be mindful of that, because you are what you attract !

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