Wednesday, June 4, 2014

You'll Find Results When You Stop Looking

You know when people say: "that came out of nowhere"? It didn't come out of nowhere, it was unexpected to you, but nothing comes as a surprise to God. He strategically throws curve balls in your life to see how you react to change, which inevitably determines if you're ready for what he really has for you, or if he should keep it longer.

I am a true believe that nothing is in vain. Everything that you've endured without your lifetime has happened only to make you the person you are destined to be. You could be far away from being that person, halfway, or there right now; and if you are right now chances are you're appreciative because of the things you went through.

One of the most common aspects of humanity is out desire to know. We want to see it, touch it and feel it. It's hard to walk by faith when sight is so essential to our validation process. But at that very moment that you stop looking, seeking and searching... Then is when all things will fall into place. Relax and let God do his job, you're in good hands (better than State Farm lol #noshade)

Whatever it is you desire will be yours at the right time. Even if you feel like it will never happen, hold at least a small ounce of faith and it shall be done. It's okay to have moments of discouragement... let it out, just as long as you pick back up recharged and focused. Your time is coming, just be ready for the ride.

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