Monday, June 9, 2014

Everyone Needs Encourgement, Even Me


This was my message from God today, I've talked about it previously in a post, and they still seem to be spot on with my life. These little gems are the inspiration I need when I feel down or more importantly...alone. I'm sure I'm not the only one that goes through these spells of loneliness, and I definitely won't be the last.

There are times when I am literally in a room full of people and I feel distant and disconnected. Partly because I haven't met anyone that fully understands me (aside from my Mom). I long for a friendship that's a connection beyond what I've experienced thus far. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and small circle of friends, but I crave a deeper connection with someone, one that I can only attain through the realm of a significant other.

Dating, for me, is discouraging. Guys don't want to get to know you, or court you; The focus is 'how can I add her to my body count?', and I know this isn't true for all guys, but I've yet to come across the ones that are actually into what my mental magnitude has to offer. It makes marriage and kids seem like an unattainable feat.

Needless to say, today was one of those days, and that hug... although there was no physical contact, was much needed. These messages make me feel as if words I've yet to utter have been heard. It also gives me hope that, although right now things aren't what or where I want them to be, in due time everything will fall into place and make sense. It's things like this that can transition my day for the better, and for that I'm grateful. If you're ever in need of a pick-me-up, head over to Facebook and get the 'message from God' app, it's far better than a typical horoscope and could help you as much as it does for me. Happy Monday my friends, let's make this a week of groundbreaking excellence !

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