Thursday, June 5, 2014

Don't Think Just Do

There are a million reasons not to do something, but you only need one to succeed. Over thinking and analyzing every aspect of what could negatively happen can shatter your dreams. Don't be the reason you didn't live up to your full potential... Give it all you've got !

If there is something you love don't let anything hold you back. Stop thinking and do what makes you happy. Damn the critics, naysayers, haters, and the non-supporters ! Believe me they'll still be there when you get to the top. Focus on pleasing yourself and disregard anything that comes in the way of that.

Everything starts and ends with you, primarily your mind. If you believe you will fail, you will fail... miserably. But if you believe you can make it, you will fail along the way, but you will achieve that goal because of your initial mind frame. The key to success is remembering why you started, without that what's the point?

Don't get overwhelmed by how long something will take, the time will pass regardless; besides, anything worth having will take time so you'd better start growing some patience lol. Now is as good as any to get started on your career... can't wait to meet you at the top !

1 comment:

  1. Yes!!!! I love this. Everyone needs to understand this.
