Friday, June 13, 2014

5 reasons...

To Go It Alone

5. Learn You. You'd be surprised at the number of women that have lost themselves in relationships, jobs and motherhood. Taking care of your responsibilities is applaudable, but not taking care of yourself can be detrimental to your life. Make time to learn what you do and don't like. Incorporate adventurous outings into the mellow ones. Be spontaneous, challenge yourself and have FUN !

4.Time Alone. Everyone needs "me time" to regroup and function. Doing things alone is a great way to think clearly, recharge your batteries, and most importantly enjoy yourself. You might be surprised at how interesting and amazing it is to spend time with yourself.

3. Ice Breaker. You are more approachable when you're alone than with a group of people. Often times guys are intimidated by women in large crowds and won't speak even if they're interested. Chances are if you're alone someone will break the ice by introducing themselves, and who knows, you could unexpectedly meet your soul mate on a random solo outing.

2. Cost Effective. Everyone's got at least one friend that never has money or a ride lol. So most times it's more expensive to go out because you have to foot your bill as well as theirs. Going out alone will cut your expenses in half literally lol, try going solo at least once and see how happy you and your wallet are afterward.

1. Liberating. I've always thought that people that went to restaurants alone were so confident and bold. There's an unspoken empowerment that's displayed by sitting alone; it had also been one of my new years resolutions for years that I'd never been brave enough to concur. However, I tried it at one of my favorite sushi restaurants a few months ago and trust, it won't be my last !

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