Monday, March 10, 2014

You Never Know What God Is Preparing You For

There's nothing more unpredictable than life. You can be going about life, planning things all happy go lucky then BOOM ! an unexpected instance can change everything. My family and I are unfortunately all too familiar with it.

This past weekend we found ourselves in the same situation we were in only 7 short months ago. A family member through marriage, but family nonetheless, was dying of cancer. Coincidentally, she had the exact same cancer as my grandfather, in every location of the body, the same hospital and floor, and stage 4 (the final level of cancer). It was deja vu all over again.

I found myself confused as to what to do. What do you tell someone you love when someone you both love is dying? The best way I can describe it is being bound in a chair with a straight jacket on. There's nothing I can do but be there. Can't take the pain away, can't make it better... just have to pray and trust God.

OG Bev (my nickname for her) you will truly be missed. They say everyone has a twin, but no one can equate to your spirit and essence. I've never met anyone more fashionable,spunky, feisty, but loving and caring all in the same. I hate to see you go, but I'd much rather you didn't suffer. Congratulations ! you've made it to see the King... can't wait to see that smile again !

What I've come to know is that although death is the biggest inconvenience in life, death is inevitably apart of life. It's something you can never really get used to, prepare for, or become immune to. But despite that reality, God always makes everything right, in his perfect timing. You never know what God is preparing you for... every obstacle, setback, and detrimental experience is testing you, and making you stronger. Nothing is in vain. Yes it hurts. Yes it's hard. But every day you are given in this life doesn't go without purpose.

For anyone going through a similar situation or obstacle, keep your head up. The storm won't last forever, and the darkness will eventually turn into light. I pray that everyone going through something finds peace and acceptance in whatever it is. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger if you allow it to. It will all get better in time. I love you all.



  1. No you don't sometimes he sent you first so that you can be a blessing to someone else he knows our strength even if we don't you are the person y

  2. that he has Flavored you may not know it are see it yet,but I do
