Monday, March 24, 2014

Learn the power of forgiveness

It may not seem like a good idea at the time, but in the end you will be thankful you did. I'm not saying forgive as soon as something happens, fresh wounds must heal. Take the time to digest what happened, get over initial shock, and accept that it really did happen. Once you have taken those necessary steps, the door of forgiveness won't seem as distant or nonexistent as it did before.

People often think that forgiveness is "letting someone off the hook" and essentially telling them that what they did is okay. That is the furthest thing from the truth. When you forgive it is solely for you. Harboring pain, hurt, and anger can be detrimental to your well being; it can affect your weight, blood pressure, hair, and other bodily organs.

In life there is a choice for everything, you make choices daily; But it's up to you to pick the right choice that will be beneficial to your life. Choosing to forgive means choosing to take care of yourself. Choosing to be the victim will only dwindle your growth. Each year you gain more knowledge and understanding of your purpose on Earth, don't let one incident set you back and stifle your progress.

Forgiveness is letting it go. When you forgive you release all the negative that a situation brought you. Forgiveness is redirecting the energy by finding the good in the bad. There is positive in every negative. Yes something bad happened, but what good came from it? What did you learn about that person that did this to you? And more importantly, what did you learn about yourself? One thing is for sure, when you are going through something, if you've never had an opinion your entire life, you'll form one then. Speak up, have a voice, and stand up for yourself... no one else will. So keep your head up and be brave, you are not the victim, you are the survivor, the successor, and the source of your happiness.

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