Friday, March 14, 2014

5 reasons...

Mid-Twenties Change you for the Better !

5. Game Elimination. You no longer entertain those ex beaus that randomly pop back up to see "how you're doing". You know that the past has no place in the future. You are more focused, more driven and more brilliant than ever before. You don't have time for the games from old or new prospects; you want something solid, and if they can't get with it, elimination is a breeze. It's not being cold or heartless, it's knowing your worth and standing for what you believe you deserve.

4. More Responsibility. I've mentioned bills, but much is expected of you now that you're at a "respectable age"; you will no longer be excused for being young and dumb, you've lived a little, your actions have consequences now more than ever. You start to want more stable things against temporary. Want that house? Want that promotion? Want that new car? To whom much is given much is expected.

3. Bigger Goals. Long gone are those meek and brief goals that you say just to shut someone up or get them off of your back; you want more for yourself, and you strive to attain it. Welcome vision-boards amongst other things to get your blood flowing. Bigger visions equal bigger opportunities.

2. Altered Perspective. There's no bigger awakening to adulthood than bills, more bills, and more bills on top of that lol. Going out is still fun to you, but it becomes less frequent because of priorities. Your focus changes from what to wear on Friday nights to, how to stretch Friday's pay check between paying bills and having money in your pocket until the next one comes back around.

1. Family. Maybe it's the reality that 30 is fast approaching, but mid-twenties make you appreciate family more than you ever did before. It could be hardships that brought you closer to your family, or simple gestures or conversations, but the older you get, the more you realize what REALLY matters; And on top of that you find yourself ready to settle down, get married and start your own little family.

*** Let's talk !
Out of all 5 reasons listed, which one would you say relates to you more, and why?

1 comment:

  1. I left my twenties along time ago and everyone is still important it's like a cycle for me right now but it's only making me better for the next half of my life
