Monday, March 3, 2014

Life without purpose isn't life at all

 We were all born to do something great, as God's offspring. Everything we do in this life is a reflection of God, it's up to us to make sure it is one he would be proud of.

It is impossible to live a healthy and happy life without purpose. Purpose is the morning coffee of life. If you have nothing to work towards and look forward to, what are you doing? Nothing.

Purpose gets you out of bed and helps you start your day; Keeps you uplifted in times of triumph, and that extra push at the finish line. Purpose is fulfillment in the completion of a task, and the drive to pursue a new one. Purpose never gives up, and always has an optimistic idealism on life.

One of my college professors once said: "If you aren't useful you're useless". Those words resonate and connect so much more now than they did when I initially heard them. What good is a brain if it isn't used? What good is a dream is it isn't attained? Your purpose can be found anywhere: through a tragedy, an unexpected acquaintance, or one instance in life.

Purpose is the heartbeat in your chest, the blood flowing through your body, and the nutrition you need to survive. When you're having a hard day or quite possibly the worst day of your life remember that your existence isn't in vain, and everything you're experiencing is with a purpose.

Open yourself and your mind to the endless possibilities your life can afford you. It's up to you to make the most of every experience by being useful. When you find your purpose everything will fall into place, and will make perfect sense. Try different things, explore, free yourself of restrictions... Everybody dies but not everybody lives.

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