Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Don't Compare, CONSTRUCT

We've all fallen victim of envying someone else. It's okay, we're human. For some reason it's far more easier to see what we don't have through the eyes of others that have everything we want. And the inevitable "you always want what you can't have" doesn't help either. Don't succumb to the negativity, take the optimistic approach.

There will always be someone better looking, taller, smaller, thinner, smarter, and funnier. It's pointless to compare yourself to the world when you were created to be the individual you are. Everything you are: your smile, your mindset, your style and talent are not in vain. If God wanted the world to be boring, he would have made us all alike, that's the beauty of it all. Everyone has an identity, but it's up to you whether or not you want to stand out or blend in the crowd.

Don't get discouraged because you aren't where you know you're supposed to be. Your time will come, everything will fall into place, and that depression you are edging to creep in will be a distant memory. Everyone has a season, everyone has their 'just-do'. The stars will align only when you're up next, you're in line wait your turn. And when it is, don't second guess it, walk confidently in the direction of your destiny and never look back.

Instead of spending time comparing your life to others, and dwelling on the things you don't have, wishing you did, make it happen. Don't compare, construct. Create the life you want, and feel you deserve. Nothing will be handed to you, if you're looking for someone to save the day, look in the mirror. You are the key to your success or demise... only you. What are you waiting for? Get busy working on the new you now, so that the future you will thank you later.

*** Below is a note I wrote to myself, it's great to look at when you feel like giving up
 Patience is rewarded, but timing is everything. 
Don't get discouraged, your season is approaching.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your blogs they give me so much inspiration I needed this one especially thank you
