Friday, March 21, 2014

This life is not promised, Don't take it for granted.

I know it's 5 reasons Friday but I couldn't bring myself to write a fun, quirky and entertaining post with everything that's going on. Instances in life make you wake up and realize that this is only a temporary stay. We buy all of these material things, but when you're gone, it has no value, no purpose, and no substance.

Today I was made aware that yet another person I've known my entire life, passed away. Death is funny, it's inconvenient, it's spontaneous, and most importantly life changing. You never know when it will happen, where or why. Death doesn't have an age or a sense of timing. But you have to face it and deal with it whether you want to or not.

With each death my perspective is altered. I grow and learn to appreciate everyone in my life as well as my own, more and more. Expected deaths are one thing, you kind of have time to prepare but, it's the unexpected ones that knock you off your feet. Don't waste time being angry or holding grudges over petty arguments, it's not worth it.

You have to do everything you desire in this life, and live it to the fullest. Don't live in regret, fear, or doubt life's too short for that. If you have a dream go for it with full force, don't let anything or anyone get in your way. I recently wrote that life is long and in a short period of time it can be. You can live a hard life constantly going through trials that feels longer than humanly possible in only a short span of time.

If death teaches you nothing else, it teaches you appreciation. It teaches you to place value on things that really matter like family and legacy. This life is not promised, don't take it for granted. And as Kanye' once said: "If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell em' people never get the flowers while they can still smell em'." Make the best of each moment and loved one in our life, make sure they know you love and appreciate them, you never know when it's their time to transition.

*** R.I.P Cell aka the most Fashionable man I've ever met in my life. There's about to be some fly Angels in Heaven...spread your wings, you're apart of the Kingdom now, but you will be missed !

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