Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Support Systems Don't Always Include Family

When you start doing something you love, I mean really enjoying it, you'll be surprised at the number of people that genuinely support you. A natural assumption would be that family would be your number one cheerleaders right? Wrong ! But it's not the end of the world... take a walk with me.

It can be a hard pill to swallow when the people that matter the most in your life don't support your passion. Even if they don't like it and it bores them to no end, support is expected..but not everyone sees your vision. Some may think it's pointless, some may support, while others will remain indifferent.Whatever the case may be for you, don't give up.

You will be stunned by the amount of love and support you receive from complete strangers. It's crazy to think someone you don't even know believes in you, but it's true... all of my Ryder's are a testament of that. There has actually been more outside support than from family, and I'm completely fine with that. I can't say that I was initially, given that I support everyone, but what can you do? Your best, nothing more nothing less.

Whomever your support system consists of, never take them for granted. God allots you a select few that understand what you are trying to accomplish, the rest of the world has to catch up in due time. Be patient with the non-believers, trust me they will come around. Don't feel the need to prove anything, just do you and everything else will fall through.