Thursday, May 22, 2014

Some People Are So Miserable Even The Sun Irritates Them

It's crazy but some people are so unhappy they want everyone around them to feel it. I've got several names for those types (although it's not limited to women): Annoying Amy, Berating Brenda, Complaining Carly, Depressing Debra,Debbie Downer, Negative Nancy; the list goes on, but I think you get the point lol.

Miserable people always want an audience, and it's up to you whether you decide to join, ignore, or eliminate them. That old saying: 'Misery loves company' couldn't be more factual, because without  the attention there's not much to say. Don't fuel their negativity, there's already enough in the world.

Pessimists always have a negative approach to life, being that in their eyes, the glass is always halfway empty. There is no optimism, no hope, and definitely no faith. To me, people like that are walking devils, always finding/creating the bad in everything. Rid them of your life, they are stealing your happiness.

Listening to a pessimistic person gripe and complain is like feeding a lion, they will never be full. I see it all the time on social networks; when people don't comment or like a negative statement or remark the person deletes it, but when people join in by trying to remedy the situation or agreeing, they keep it going. Being around a miserable person can be so draining. I equate it to nonstop gloomy rainy days, even if the sun is out you can't really appreciate it because of the dark cloud around you. That's why it's best to rid yourself of any negativity, for the betterment of your life. Do it, and watch how quickly everything will positively change.

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