Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Be Your Own Gateway Drug

I know some of you are like "what? She's talkin' about drugs now?" lol but as always there's a method to my madness. You know how one drug can open the door to a more intense drug? Why not have that mentality for your career?

Take each experience/ job and think of it as a temporary stepping stone to get you where you want to be. All too often people get complacent in a job they don't love, then acquire more responsibilities that inevitably leaves them stuck in that position. The problem is, they started off thinking temporary and lost track of the vision they initially set for themselves. Don't let that be you.

Sure the job you're at doesn't pay well, or maybe it pays well but you aren't getting enough hours, don't quit. You must attain the bottom to reach the top; stick with it if it will eventually get you where you want to be. Start as an intern or entry level and have the mindset to want to become CEO one day. Your success starts with your drive and determination, never think mediocre when you have the potential to be grand.

Set a goal and stick with it. And more importantly set reminders, don't get content; when you are content you aren't growing. Refuel your mindset every 3 weeks, that reminder will help you when the complacency tries to creep in. Go ahead and get started on your gateway to greatness !

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