Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dreams Pick You

It's true. But it's fear, doubt, and lack of ambition that inevitably sabotages it all. We've all encountered something we love doing, something that makes life worthwhile, yet overlook or stray away from pursing it because it doesn't seem feasible.

You'll never know how far your dreams can take you until you tap into it. Believe in your gift, work towards mastering your craft, and live your dream. There are too many positives to let one negative set you back. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to accomplish your goal, just as long as you do it. It could take years to ultimately get where you want to be, but you'll thank yourself later.

Just think of how grand life could be if you set aside all the reasons you shouldn't do something, and finally decide to just go for it. I don't know about you but I'm ready to reap the benefits of my hard work and sacrifice. There's no reason you shouldn't go for it, the dream won't just magically go away because you're afraid of failure.

Dream big, and most importantly don't let yourself down. Go for it even if it seems impossible. You'll meet people along the way that will help you and can possibly become a mentor. If you want to be great it will radiate, and when people see how much you believe in yourself so will they. What are you waiting for? Take an inch towards your mile today!

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