Monday, February 9, 2015

Don't Let Your Temporary Feel Like An Eternity

Why is it easier to be depressed than happy? Hopeless than hopeful? Victim's instead of victors? We've all fallen victim to at least one of the words mentioned which brings about one simple question: Why is it easier to believe hate than love? I mean really think about it. We believe an insult before a compliment, why?

Why do we consume ourselves with negativity yet stray from the positive. This is something I've been struggling with since August. I had a life changing event and it altered my entire perspective. I stopped writing, why? Because I lost hope, faith and my peculiar optimism I've had since the day I was born.

It''s messages like the one above that helped me get through the tornado like dust that I'd settled in. You never know how two simple words can change the magnitude of someone's day. YOU MATTER, yes you, you really do. Every once in a while it's nice to know that you're needed, you're loved, and that your mere existence isn't in vain.

Bottom line, don't allow a temporary circumstance dictate your future. Don't let it consume you, and if it does, don't let it linger too long, take control of your life. Write, talk to someone or yourself so you can really hear your thoughts aloud. Your eternity is what you make it, believe in yourself, never give up, and ride out the storm, it won't be much longer.

I keep my head high, I got my wings to carry me

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